Access your email accounts and chat with your contacts from desktop.
Exchange, iCloud, and ...levels. It has a sidebar that provides
This feature is known as 'AutoComplete' and Outlook automatically.
AutoComplete' and Outlook automatically addresses. MS-Outlook doesn't provide...anymore (When Outlook AutoComplete stopped working
It allows you to search for emails and files in their personal archive.
Mimecast Services for Outlook (MSO) is a program
MyScript Notes turns notes written by hand into digital text
as Word or Outlook. The program...program lets you build your own personal
Build your own, integrate, extend existing apps with instant messaging functions.
COM components for building powerful instant Excel, Word, Outlook, Access, PowerPoint
It's used to implement an esignature solution in any third-party software.
Microsoft Word, Excel, platform or build your own custom
It's a secure file transfer at the fingertips of business users
without having to build an expensive external
Use OEAPI to Create Outlook Express and Windows Mail Plugins
Outlook Express Application Programming Interface is the best Software Development Kit (SDK) to build your plugin in Outlook Express
3 steps XP-to-Vista transformer, portable, easy to launch and open source!
dll * Uxtheme.dll * Outlook Files * Boot screen...* Visual Task Tip * Sidebar * Styler Toolbar * L Clock
An advanced activeX button bar used to incorporate MS Outlook styled sidebar.
incorporate MS Outlook styled navigation sidebar, vertical